Thursday, May 21, 2009

Band practice and coconuts

Coconuts. So far the coconut stand is one of my favorite things. For ten rupees, they cut the top off of a coconut and give you it with a straw to drink the juice (though its more fun without the straw). When you're done, the coconut man cuts it open and peels the fruit flesh for you to eat. So simple, so perfect.

Getting here. If you're ever in Heathrow Airport in London and find yourself moved by the beauty of airport architecture, don't photograph it. I was enamored by the metal and windows and giant claws that held up the extravagant "international wing"...these things cleverly designed that somehow made me feel as if I was larger than the planes outside. I was only 3 pics in when I was caught on the surveillance camera and bombarded by security. Turns out, "pretty" is the new "terrorist threat."

Cows, rickshaws, and scooters. These also share the road with horses, goats, buses, bikers, walkers, and whoever else dares to enter the streets. The only rule drivers are asked to follow is on the occasional sign that says, "Follow Lane Discipline." This rule is entirely subjective and open to several variations of interpretation. I've come to read it as "trust in your driver, and try not to die." So far, so good.

Coffee and chai. What can I say? Starbucks be damned. The best stuff you'll ever try is right here. And in my apartment, nonetheless. This city has the best food you'll ever eat. There's a chocolate man on the corner who puts Godiva to shame...he also makes coconut cookies that melt in your mouth. The breakfast at Santosha has the world's best baker, and my dinners and lunches have been among the most delicious I've ever eaten. There was no such thing as "curry" until I got here. Liz was right. It is possible to eat your way through India. Oh, and did I mention the fruit? Mangos, papayas and bananas, oh my! And of course, the coconut. God bless the coconuts.

Sun and rain. It is possible to walk, scooter, dance, and rickshaw through both of these. Rooftop dancing and scooter-ride downpours (3 to a scooter of course) are absolute musts here. Yes it's hot as hell. No, I don't care, because I love it that much. My skirts are airy and heart is happy. I've fallen asleep to the rain a few times. It's like heaven. But that's in part due to my befri...we are sharing the best bachelor pad that's ever existed. Roofs, balconies, fabulous colors, and a two-foot Ganesh incense holder adorn our world. All around perfection.

Band practice! Aside from yoga, Liz and coconuts, this is my other favorite thing. Each day for at least three hours, Tim and I play our guitars while Natalie and Liz sing, and Liz makes us chai (she's currently on a "quest for the perfect chai," which might end up being the name of our band). We've also acquired an occasional beatboxer (Hamaan), a potential harmonica player (Lee) and incredibly talented triangle lead (Simone). Eventually, Liz will find a cowbell to complete the set up. I fuckin' love this place.

Befri's and yoga. I mean, do I really have to say much about either of these? You can check my last post to get a feel for my yoga practice (truthfully it's a little intense to talk about at the moment so I'm gonna wait before posting more). But Liz. Wow. It's just...right. In that perfect kind of way. Our place, our practice, our hearts, this for us is exactly as happy as it can be. She's saved my life more than once, and I've returned the favor several times. This time though, we get to just be--no saving needed. One of the most incredible gifts I've ever gotten is this time with her. Bucket laundry, apartment dancing, quiet night talks and hugs, coffee on the balcony, muesli and fruit breakfasts. Love you girl. Thank you for my life.

To the rest of you......I'll see you soon. Until then, find yourself a coconut and a band. And maybe a hug. Everybody loves hugs.

1 comment:

  1. Keep me posted with The Perfect Chai tour dates when they become available! I hear Jaipur has sick venue that blows Red Rocks away.

    P.S. My travels have taught me that America has the worst coffee on Earth.

    Enjoy! Can't wait to keep reading.

